Monday, December 3, 2007

CACTS sandwich

CACTS is the name I gave to this one - Cheese, Avocado, Cucumber, Tomato, Spinach sandwich !

I took two slices of white bread, buttered them. Spread a good amount of baby spinach leaves, arrange slices of cucumber and tomato on it. Cut some avocado and arrange on top of it. Grate some cheese and spread it on the sandwich before covering with the other slice. You can see some gree chutney on top too instead of cheese but since the 2 B's don't like it, I didn't.

Cut them in two halves and gladwrap them for the lunch box. I usually add a fruit, a fruit juice, a breakfast bar/one serve size chips packet/crackers to make it a healthy yet appealing lunch !


Anonymous said...

I love this lunch box and I am hungry too. !

Indian in NZ said...

:-) Thanks RJ. Nice to see you here in my kitchen :-)